Have you tried reading a concept for a very long time, probably 3 to 7 hours, then when you try to remember what you've read, later on, you discover that you've forgotten. I have experienced that, more times than I can count. I would read and think that I had fully gotten a concept, only to get to the exam hall and start staring into space when a question relating to that concept comes up. It was really devastating for me ( especially when I remember it as soon as I come out of the exam hall ). A lot of people have this experience but don't know that there are actually easy steps to take to improve their memories. Let's jump into them right away. 1. UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU READ How do you plan on remembering what you've read if don't even understand the message that was trying to be passed across? Some people might think that they can just cram when they want to go in for exams. But cramming is not always the best choice(especially if you need...