When I started photography , one of the first things I learnt about was the exposure triangle {ET}. Most photographers( especially those who use manual mode on their cameras) should be aware of the term exposure triangle. For those not aware, the triangle consists of : the shutter speed, the ISO and the aperture. In another blog, I will go into details of each member of the ET. The relationship these three members have has driven me multiple times to watch several videos on how to set them appropriately. I will not say that I have gotten to a conclusion on how this three relate to each other, but so far I have discovered that before an image is made, at least two of the members must be taken into consideration. The thing is, they all control the amount of light that comes into the camera, but in different ways. So with the way the aperture regulates the amount of light, it tends to affect depth of field. With the way the shutter speed regulates the amount of light, it tends to aff...